How to re-receive

Incoming files can be 're-received'.
When re-receiving the (previously received) file is taken from the archive, and re-processed.
As the file from the archive is used, no (outside) communication is used.


  1. in the incoming screen, go to the start (in front of each line); a small menu will pop-up. Choose 'rereceive' from this menu. The file will be marked as 'rereveive'. Mark all files that you want to re-receive.
  2. Go to main menu->Run->Run user-indicated re-receives
  3. The engine will now start, and do all the re-receives you marked.

Re-receive many files

As the files need to be marked one by one, this can be troublesome when you need to re-receive many files.

In the screen for incoming there is a button called 'Rereceive all'. When you use this button all files in the selection are marked as re-receive. This might take some while.

Warning: all files in the selection are marked, not only the ones visible on your page.

Tip: first make the right selection via the button 'Change Selection'. Additional individual files can be marked/de-marked later.