Upgrade bots version 2.*.* -> 2.2.0


NOTE: please make backup first!

for all updates: settings.py HAS to be changed. One line has to be added (at end of file):

    "bots.bots_context.set_context",    #THIS LINE IS ADDED!
  1. Update plugin:
    • Get the plugin at sourceforge.
    • Mind there are 2 version of the plugin, depending upon the version of django you use.
    • Read like a normal plugin (bots-monitor->systasks->read plugin).
    • Bots-monitor will give an error...nasty but upgrade is done.
    • Stop the web-server.
    • Edit bots/config/settings.py (See above)
    • Restart bots-webserver.
  2. For windows:
    • Get the installer at sourceforge.
    • Install new version.
    • Django is upgraded to 1.3.1
    • Database and mappings are not changed
    • Configuration files have not been changed
    • Edit bots/config/settings.py (See above)


Version 2.2.0 is upward compatible with previous versions in 2.*.*-series:

  • no data migration needed
  • grammars, translations etc mostly will work as before

Compatibility problems

  1. when upgrading from 2.0.* see migration to 2.1.0
  2. as mentioned above: new line has to be added in settings.py in TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS


  1. django 1.1.*; use django > 1.2.0, see for instructions
  2. editype: database (=database connector with SQLalchemy). Use editype db; if wished you can use SQLalchemy in this new database connector.
  3. code conversion via file (in bots/usersys/codeconversions). Use codeconversion via ccode table: better, faster, more flexible.
  4. editype template (with library 'kid'); use editype template-html (with library Genshi) instead. Genshi is quite simular to kid, see for instructions
  5. communication via intercommit (type intercommit). If needed, a plugin can be provided.

Changes in bots.ini

You can use your old bots.ini with no problem, reasonable defaults have been used. New options added in 2.2.0:


#settings for logging of bots-webserver
#console logging on (True) or off (False); default is True.
webserver_log_console = True
#webserver_log_console_level: level for logging to console/screen. Values: DEBUG,INFO,STARTINFO,WARNING,ERROR or CRITICAL. Default: STARTINFO 
#actually useful: WARNING: only start-up text; info gives more info
webserver_log_console_level = STARTINFO

# to customise name of botslogo html file (default: bots/botslogo.html)
botslogo = bots/botslogo.html
# text displayed on right of bots logo. Useful to indicate different environments: TEST, PRODUCTION. Default: no text
environment_text = 

#when True, the run menu contains entries to run each route indivudually. Default: False
menu_all_routes = False

#it is possible to add a custom menu to the default bots menu. Features
#1. the menuname to appear on the menu bar in bots monitor; Default: Custom. Eg:
#menuname = MyMenu
#2. Entries ins the custom menu: all "name: value" entries in this section will be added to the custom menu in bots monitor. Eg:
#Incoming = /incoming/?all
#3. Menu divider lines can be added with special value "---". Eg:
#divider1 = ---
# note: sequence of entries is preserved, but case of menu entry is not; title case will be applied