Recipe to push test->production (bots>=3.0)

Recipe to use a standard directory comparison tool to manage the differences in configuration between test and production:

  1. For both environments, make configuration index file (menu->Systasks->Make configuration index)
  2. Compare both environments using a directory comparison tool. What you should compare is:
    • All files in bots/usersys.
    • Note that the file bots/usersys/ contains the configuration as in the database (routes, channels, partners).
  3. Push changes using such a directory comparison tool.
  4. And read configuration index file (menu->Systasks->Read configuration index) to the database.


  1. if the configuration index file is generated all configuration is in usersys (routes, mappings, partners etc).

  2. By using the 'isolated acceptance test' both environments can be 'very equal'.

  3. The configuration index file can also be generated by command line tool. 20130117: not read by command line tool.

  4. Look like it is possible to use a version control system. I have not tried it, but recipes and experiences are welcome!